Tuesday, February 03, 2009
So the question on the floor is this: Am I even capable of love as opposed to attachment?
I find I don't quite know the answer to that and suspect that most of what I've thought of as love over the years is really just attachment. It's not a particularly happy thought to have been so unaware and unloving over the years, but as they say, awareness is the first step to change.
I find I don't quite know the answer to that and suspect that most of what I've thought of as love over the years is really just attachment. It's not a particularly happy thought to have been so unaware and unloving over the years, but as they say, awareness is the first step to change.
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True love is an act of will. For instance, the love described in John 13 uses agape. Here's one guy's take on it:
He's not the only one to look at love in this manner. Obviously, the sacrificial love described by the word agape is from Koine (Common) Greek, the Greek that was in use during the time of the NT, so it was a common concept in the ancient world.
But I've also seen it reflected by those of Indian descent. For instance, Ravi Zacharias (admittedly a Christian apologist) talks about a conversation he had with his brother in "I, Isaac, Take Thee Rebekah." His brother was going to marry a woman through an arranged marriage. And Ravi asked, "How can you be sure you are going to love this woman." His brother set him straight, "Because I choose to. It's an act of will." I'm paraphrasing because I don't have the book in front of me, but that's the gist of their words.
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He's not the only one to look at love in this manner. Obviously, the sacrificial love described by the word agape is from Koine (Common) Greek, the Greek that was in use during the time of the NT, so it was a common concept in the ancient world.
But I've also seen it reflected by those of Indian descent. For instance, Ravi Zacharias (admittedly a Christian apologist) talks about a conversation he had with his brother in "I, Isaac, Take Thee Rebekah." His brother was going to marry a woman through an arranged marriage. And Ravi asked, "How can you be sure you are going to love this woman." His brother set him straight, "Because I choose to. It's an act of will." I'm paraphrasing because I don't have the book in front of me, but that's the gist of their words.
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