Monday, December 15, 2008

My mind has been scattered lately and sitting down to write just wasn't happening. So just that rambling may serve:

Why are mechanical pencils sold in stores in bags of ten? Don't you just replace the lead instead of the pencil?

I think the thing I dislike about the Christmas season the most is The Twelve Days of Christmas. I just hate that song. And of course, that right there is a great thing to work on, that is, letting go of an aversion to a silly song. Yes, a great thing, but a really hard one, too.

It would be very helpful if the beeper on my hp-50g was louder. When using it as a timer for meditation outside, I have to set half a dozen alarms to make sure I hear it. Admittedly, using the thing that way is a touch outside what the designers had in mind. It was available, what can I say?

And writing the code to allow for easy entry of an alarm song for said calculator may not pass a rigid cost/benefit analysis. And besides, it's tedious as all get out programming on a 2" x 3" screen.

During my 40 minute outdoor meditation Sunday morning, I was straffed not once, but twice, by a very low-flying airplane that bore an uncanny resemblence to my twelve year old daughter. On the second pass, I got tapped on the head by a putative wingtip as it swooshed by. Nonplussed as I was, my face knew what to do and simply could not contain the grin that blossomed from a deep paternal love of her, her rascalness, and her gift of a priceless moment in meditation.

At age 50, I still like practicing wheelies on my mountain bike. There's a silly joy there. It's just fun!

My little friend, the crab spider that set up shop in my front yard for the whole summer and fall, has disappeared for the winter, I think. That tiny creature always brought me a smile. I hope to see it again in the spring.

With these odds and ends, I notice that there are some delightful moments there. It's been good to write them down and see them.

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