Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A nice retrospective writeup of 9/11 from the Right by Hanson, and an account of plain stupidity on the far, far, far, far, far, far, far Left, admittedly written by someone on the Right. But still...

I've enjoyed a number of articles from The New Republic of late and I think I mentioned that I'm trying to read a bit more from the Left, but I was surprised that today there was no mention of 9/11.

From time to time I go by The New Criterion, too, finding intelligent, very nicely written, and—as far as an outsider such as myself can see—informed opinion.

I haven't thought about 9/11 that much so far today. I guess I may stop and do that tonight. It would seem a worthwhile thing.

I keep having a lot of thought rolling around in my head in the mornings in the car on the way to work and by the time I get to sit and write, they're gone. It is what it is, I guess.

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