Monday, August 13, 2007

Hooray for Tiger's win yesterday at the PGA!

Also in the afternoon, we really enjoyed the Bourne Ultimatum. Great action! Fun romp in the theatre.

And, this morning, I woke up with this realization:

A good friend will often say things and have trouble following through. I get aggravated and feel I've been mislead, eventually thinking, "Why do I have to figure out whether what they say is true or not? Why are they misleading me? Why am I being lied to?" What I have completely missed over the years is that they are suffering and need help. In my self-centeredness, instead of perceiving someone else's pain and suffering, I only perceive my own, and thus, I fail to love them. My self-centeredness causes us both to suffer.

A self-centered focus like that reflects desire for something from the outside, which in itself reflects a belief that I am missing something, when in fact, I have all I need. It's yet another case of letting go of a desire, letting go of a belief that causes suffering. Another component in the situation is that I see that person as I want them to be instead of how they really are. That also is just another desire that, if let go, will let me see them as they are, which then will enable me to show the compassion that they, as human beings, deserve.

Now is the time to break old patterns that have caused much harm.

Now is the time to learn what love and compassion really are.

Now is the time to practice them.

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