Monday, July 02, 2007
And life rolls on. . .
I've been wearing toric contact lenses set up for mono-vision for a six or eight weeks now. The astigmatism correction makes them viable for me where spherical lenses gave a focus that was never quite sharp enough for reading. My eyes almost have the mono-vision aspect dialed in, too, so I'm pretty happy with them, especially to get my peripheral vision back.
After going through both seasons of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex—loved it—the kids and I have moved on to Fullmetal Alchemist—loving it. We're about to start disk 7 of 13. If you like anime, or if you'd like to try it out, from what I've read, both series review very well and are quite popular and would be good places to start.
Fitness has been a struggle of late. Persistant tendonitis in my left elbow has me not wanting to work out for climbing at all. It's better, but I need to be sure it's gone before I start up again. Otherwise, I walk a bit at lunch, but that's it right now.
I've been wearing toric contact lenses set up for mono-vision for a six or eight weeks now. The astigmatism correction makes them viable for me where spherical lenses gave a focus that was never quite sharp enough for reading. My eyes almost have the mono-vision aspect dialed in, too, so I'm pretty happy with them, especially to get my peripheral vision back.
After going through both seasons of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex—loved it—the kids and I have moved on to Fullmetal Alchemist—loving it. We're about to start disk 7 of 13. If you like anime, or if you'd like to try it out, from what I've read, both series review very well and are quite popular and would be good places to start.
Fitness has been a struggle of late. Persistant tendonitis in my left elbow has me not wanting to work out for climbing at all. It's better, but I need to be sure it's gone before I start up again. Otherwise, I walk a bit at lunch, but that's it right now.