Saturday, February 03, 2007
Noting a little progress toward a front lever, just so I can track how things have come along. So far, this morning, I held one-legged ones for 13, 10, 8, 10, and 7 seconds, eventually just barely finishing out a full 60 seconds with one-legged levers, my best performance yet—before, I had to drop back to tucked levers to get the full 60. I'm inching my way up to the 15 second mark where I'll start working on holding a lever with two legs. Boy, does it ever wake your back muscles!
I really enjoyed watching Akira Kurosawa's Ikiru the other night. For anyone who struggles with subtitled foreign films, I highly recommend giving films like Ikiru a try. After a while you don't even notice you're reading. I especially enjoy foreign films because they have a different sort of flavor than Hollywood films. As for Kurosawa's films, a number of them are on most people's list of the greatest films of all time and I can see why.
I really enjoyed watching Akira Kurosawa's Ikiru the other night. For anyone who struggles with subtitled foreign films, I highly recommend giving films like Ikiru a try. After a while you don't even notice you're reading. I especially enjoy foreign films because they have a different sort of flavor than Hollywood films. As for Kurosawa's films, a number of them are on most people's list of the greatest films of all time and I can see why.