Sunday, December 31, 2006
New year's at my sisters: At last count, something like 28 members of the family are here today to celebrate the new year. One is missing: my nephew who died in the accident back in the spring. I'm very saddened thinking about him. He should be here. I'm convinced of it because, as this is my first time here for a new year's, I can attest to what my sister tried to explain: People have lain down their arms here and are simply gathering to keep up the ties and stay in touch. This is something I believe my mother and father tried to do, but were simply unable, are still unable. That is a sad but true fact as well, and so the celebration, on closer reflection, could be said to have a meloncholy side to it, and yet the people in attendance here seem to have accepted the fact of that situation and resolved to see things done differently for the future. I'm heartened to say that they are succeeding. There is hope.