Tuesday, November 28, 2006
From an entry I posted in a Flute forum today:
Where I am, fall is in fine form today: warm in the sun, cool in the
shade, with a light breeze shaking colored leaves off the trees.
At lunch, I brought my flute and settled into a bench in the sun at a
little park a couple blocks from my office and set about practicing
in an informal, improvisational way: A slur here, a little tonguing
there, notes in the third octave up to G. Trying not to be a
spectacle, I was playing as softly as I could, mostly long notes,
paying attention to embouchure and tone. Fifteen minutes of wandering
in Em and C and I was getting a little warm in the sun, so I moved to
a bench in the shade, noticing a man reading a book on the next bench
twenty five feet or so away.
Eventually I found my way to the G# key and worked a little E, F and
G# on some Arabic sounding sequences for a few minutes.
Then it was time to go.
As I put the flute away and prepared to sling my pack over my
shoulder my audience of one looked up from his book, smiled, and
said, "Thanks for the music."
I fairly floated back to the office.
And with that small victory for me and my flute, I should have no
trouble at all with motivation to practice the rest of the week.
Where I am, fall is in fine form today: warm in the sun, cool in the
shade, with a light breeze shaking colored leaves off the trees.
At lunch, I brought my flute and settled into a bench in the sun at a
little park a couple blocks from my office and set about practicing
in an informal, improvisational way: A slur here, a little tonguing
there, notes in the third octave up to G. Trying not to be a
spectacle, I was playing as softly as I could, mostly long notes,
paying attention to embouchure and tone. Fifteen minutes of wandering
in Em and C and I was getting a little warm in the sun, so I moved to
a bench in the shade, noticing a man reading a book on the next bench
twenty five feet or so away.
Eventually I found my way to the G# key and worked a little E, F and
G# on some Arabic sounding sequences for a few minutes.
Then it was time to go.
As I put the flute away and prepared to sling my pack over my
shoulder my audience of one looked up from his book, smiled, and
said, "Thanks for the music."
I fairly floated back to the office.
And with that small victory for me and my flute, I should have no
trouble at all with motivation to practice the rest of the week.