Monday, August 21, 2006
When we joined Netflix recently, I queued up several old SF movies I either hadn't seen in a long, long time, or had never seen: Soylent Green, Silent Running, and Rollerball. All three have the late 60's/early 70's evil corporation/authority slant going on, but all three have something to say, that notwithstanding. They were fun to see again. Noteworthy was how tame the violence in Rollerball seemed, because at the time, it was thought to be extraordinarily violent. Now, I think similar fare is seen on nightly prime-time TV.
Had some fun with music over the weekend, playing flute a bit, piano a bit as well. On flute, I was just working out melodies (Baby Face and Reveille sure do make the wife and kids roll their eyes...hehe), learning the chromatic scale a bit more fluently, and trying to hone embouchure in the second octave, some in the third. Also, I'm starting to get the feel for singing the notes while playing them, it gives a different sort of sound, and to jam a bit in Em pentatonic. All in all, I'm approaching it like a guitar. On piano, I worked on Moonlight Sonata (I guess it's really just the first movement) a bit, the first page and a half. Fun stuff, and just beautiful music. I did notice something that an old friend who was taking piano lessons had complained about: My back was killing me after 30 minutes or so. I'm going to move the bench around and see if that changes it at all. I sure hope so.
The odds and ends to repair and replace keep mounting: My car's CD player, my wife's car's front hubcaps dissappeared, upstairs A/C, both garage doors, and on and on...
Welcome to home and car ownership!
An amazing update: Literally as I was writing that last paragraph, my wife just called and found the hubcaps! She drove home in a downpour through a flooded area last night and the water had taken them off. She found them by the street this morning, still there. Unbelievable!
Had some fun with music over the weekend, playing flute a bit, piano a bit as well. On flute, I was just working out melodies (Baby Face and Reveille sure do make the wife and kids roll their eyes...hehe), learning the chromatic scale a bit more fluently, and trying to hone embouchure in the second octave, some in the third. Also, I'm starting to get the feel for singing the notes while playing them, it gives a different sort of sound, and to jam a bit in Em pentatonic. All in all, I'm approaching it like a guitar. On piano, I worked on Moonlight Sonata (I guess it's really just the first movement) a bit, the first page and a half. Fun stuff, and just beautiful music. I did notice something that an old friend who was taking piano lessons had complained about: My back was killing me after 30 minutes or so. I'm going to move the bench around and see if that changes it at all. I sure hope so.
The odds and ends to repair and replace keep mounting: My car's CD player, my wife's car's front hubcaps dissappeared, upstairs A/C, both garage doors, and on and on...
Welcome to home and car ownership!
An amazing update: Literally as I was writing that last paragraph, my wife just called and found the hubcaps! She drove home in a downpour through a flooded area last night and the water had taken them off. She found them by the street this morning, still there. Unbelievable!