Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A couple of odds and ends this morning:
An idea for a story is gelling up in my mind. I'm making this entry just as a marker so I can see how long it takes me to get rolling on it.
I'm continuing along in another of Delany's books, Neveryona, this time. I had read this years ago in my early twenties. Having read about the Neveryon books and being a good twenty years older, re-reading them has a very different feel from the first time. I understand the point of the stories much more this time around and appreciate the writing a lot more. It's a dim and distant past sort of fantasy with a completely different thrust than ony other in that it's primarily concerned with human interaction, sexuality, economics and people's roles in society instead of the usual epic quest sort of thing. A very good book.
We enjoyed Memoirs of a Geisha the other night, following it with a check on a few reviews. In general, I like it better than many reviewers, especially vis-a-vis the casting issues—Chinese actors portraying Japanese characters—people raised, which I think in theory have a certain validity, but in practice don't. It also doesn't hurt my feelings a bit to have Michelle Yeoh playing a major role.
I'm conscious of using Wikipedia links a lot in here and just have one thing to say about it: Isn't Wikipedia just a wonderful thing for information junkies (like me)?
We joined Netflix the other night and should get our first movies today. We'll see how it goes.
An idea for a story is gelling up in my mind. I'm making this entry just as a marker so I can see how long it takes me to get rolling on it.
I'm continuing along in another of Delany's books, Neveryona, this time. I had read this years ago in my early twenties. Having read about the Neveryon books and being a good twenty years older, re-reading them has a very different feel from the first time. I understand the point of the stories much more this time around and appreciate the writing a lot more. It's a dim and distant past sort of fantasy with a completely different thrust than ony other in that it's primarily concerned with human interaction, sexuality, economics and people's roles in society instead of the usual epic quest sort of thing. A very good book.
We enjoyed Memoirs of a Geisha the other night, following it with a check on a few reviews. In general, I like it better than many reviewers, especially vis-a-vis the casting issues—Chinese actors portraying Japanese characters—people raised, which I think in theory have a certain validity, but in practice don't. It also doesn't hurt my feelings a bit to have Michelle Yeoh playing a major role.
I'm conscious of using Wikipedia links a lot in here and just have one thing to say about it: Isn't Wikipedia just a wonderful thing for information junkies (like me)?
We joined Netflix the other night and should get our first movies today. We'll see how it goes.