Wednesday, January 25, 2006
My wife and I love movies.
Last weekend, we saw Brokeback Mountain. We loved just about everything about it: The directing, acting, story line, the works. Let me say that I'm one of those people that have no problem with what consenting adults want to do along the lines of love, but at a personal level, was always put off by male gay behavior. It's just not for me and so I was expecting to react a bit negatively at some point during the movie. What happened was I saw a tragic story about people who didn't quite know how to handle something that happened in their lives, and I saw that story beautifully presented without bias, masterfully acted. My wife and I were touched by that story, and as Roger Ebert puts it, "It could be about two women, or lovers from different religious or ethnic groups -- any 'forbidden' love".
I should wait on this one, but I won't. It was late last night and I fell asleep with about 25 minutes left to go with Yes in the DVD player. Up to that point, it was one of the most interesting movies I'd seen in a long time. Yeah, yeah, I know. Listen: I'm usually in bed a lot earlier. Me falling asleep during the film isn't a comment on the movie. I can't wait to watch the rest tonight. Seriously. Sally Potter wrote, directed, and did the music for it. My wife—who DID stay up—loved it.
Moving on...
As a long time amateur guitar player, a kid who got three years of piano lessons, and a forty something adult who is learning to play flute, let me say this: My hat's forever off to all wind instrument players. Mine is coming along for me. The last day or two, it has begun to sound musical instead of a not-so-distant relative of fingernails-on-the-chalkboard. I pick out snatches of melodies here and there: Jethro Tull's Bouree, a theme from Braveheart, part of the Titanic theme, old church hymns. Whatever. I have an electronic keyboard downstairs that will provide simple bass line and drums given a chord in the right hand, so I gave it a chord, and tried improvising a solo over it with the flute. Lots of fun. It has revitalized my interest in playing music.
Last weekend, we saw Brokeback Mountain. We loved just about everything about it: The directing, acting, story line, the works. Let me say that I'm one of those people that have no problem with what consenting adults want to do along the lines of love, but at a personal level, was always put off by male gay behavior. It's just not for me and so I was expecting to react a bit negatively at some point during the movie. What happened was I saw a tragic story about people who didn't quite know how to handle something that happened in their lives, and I saw that story beautifully presented without bias, masterfully acted. My wife and I were touched by that story, and as Roger Ebert puts it, "It could be about two women, or lovers from different religious or ethnic groups -- any 'forbidden' love".
I should wait on this one, but I won't. It was late last night and I fell asleep with about 25 minutes left to go with Yes in the DVD player. Up to that point, it was one of the most interesting movies I'd seen in a long time. Yeah, yeah, I know. Listen: I'm usually in bed a lot earlier. Me falling asleep during the film isn't a comment on the movie. I can't wait to watch the rest tonight. Seriously. Sally Potter wrote, directed, and did the music for it. My wife—who DID stay up—loved it.
Moving on...
As a long time amateur guitar player, a kid who got three years of piano lessons, and a forty something adult who is learning to play flute, let me say this: My hat's forever off to all wind instrument players. Mine is coming along for me. The last day or two, it has begun to sound musical instead of a not-so-distant relative of fingernails-on-the-chalkboard. I pick out snatches of melodies here and there: Jethro Tull's Bouree, a theme from Braveheart, part of the Titanic theme, old church hymns. Whatever. I have an electronic keyboard downstairs that will provide simple bass line and drums given a chord in the right hand, so I gave it a chord, and tried improvising a solo over it with the flute. Lots of fun. It has revitalized my interest in playing music.